Beleid voor veerbootreizen

Cancellation Insurance – Yes, I would like insurance to cover cancellation charges if I have to cancel my trip (or either of my crossings), with no excess, at the cost of 12,42 € – Click here for Terms and Policy Conditions.

Medical Assistance Insurance – Yes, I want the insurance: Travel Medical Assistance for adults and children + Medical Expense Reimbursement + Buggage Guarantee at cost of 9,80 € – Click here for Terms and Policy Conditions.

Vehicle Damage On board Insurance – Yes, I want to insure my vehicle for damage to my vehicle during the crossing at the cost of 15,00 € (valid only for vehicles under 35 qli) – Click here for Terms and Policy Conditions.

Travelling Vehicle Assistance Insurance – Yes, I wanto to insure my vehicle for breakdown assistance and depannage while travelling at the cost of 6,00 € (valid only for cars or vehicles under 35 qli) – Click here for Terms and Policy Conditions.

Pet Insurance – Yes, I want to insure my Pet for assistance, veterinary expenses abd third-party liability while travelling at cost of 24,00 € (valid for pets up to 10 years of age at the time of departure) – Click here for terms and Policy Conditions.
